Avengers Movie!UniverceAvengers Movie!Univerce
Ghost in the Wires
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark. Steve Rogers POV.
You Can Always Go Home, Tony's part of Ghost in the Wires
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark. Tony Stark POV.
When Steve moves into Avengers mansion he is caught up in strange coincidences. He walks behind an unseen ghost: a ghost who leaves empty spaces all around the manor. It doesn't make sense, and it sounds crazy until he meets Anthony, a computer simulation programmed by Anthony Stark, who died two years ago. Then it just seems even crazier.
Tomorrow Belongs To Me
Steve wakes up in the 21st Century. He doesn't think much of it, and it's dubious about him. He meets a Norse God, joins a superhero team, and feels terribly awkward about the whole monument at Arlington he's rendered obsolete by not being dead. Meanwhile, Tony is trying to make his mark on history by being the man who finally drove Nick Fury over the edge.
Harry PotterHarry Potter
Elective Affinities, WIP 9/?. HP/SS
Where Headmaster Dumbledore is wearing the most ostentatious shade of purple Snape has ever seen, Harry Potter happens to speak German, Adrian Kuhn is frank to a fault and Severus Snape is curious despite himself. AU, Time Travel, Marauders' era.
Life on Mars (UK)Life on Mars (UK)
Till Touchdown Brings Me Round Again, CW. GH/ST
Where Hunt feels like an idiot, Sam Tyler is scrawny, proper, flammable git but in the end everyone feels utterly and completely and brilliantly alive. Post-2006, AU.
Manchester's Monster, CW. GH/ST
Where Sam was a moody, whining, girly little bossy-boots as usually, Gene was furious that someone else had trespassed on “his patch” and the wolf in him liked to cuddle. Slight AU.
We could steal time, CW. GH/ST
Where Sam was a DI, not a bloody secretary, Gene looked exactly the same except for 21st century clothes, and really, it is too naive to believe people should never have sex in the photocopier room?
Sherlock BBCSherlock BBC
Two Two One Bravo Baker, WIP 26/28.
Where Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. AU.
Asteroidea, CW
JW/SH, MH/JW, MH/JW/SH, Sherlock x His Dark Materials fusion!fic
Русский перевод
they tell me their secrets (will you tell me yours too)
In Afghanistan, the supplies tell him when they're running low, and the cars always, always tell him when strangers have touched them, and John gets known as having a knack (paranoia, his men call it, but he's never missed a single car bomb) for keeping his men safe.
My body when it is with your
Lupercalia: the season when the werewolf takes a mate. John is unhappy. Sherlock is intrigued. Modern magical!AU.
The Republic of Heaven WIP 13/?
Sherlock x His Dark Materials (Тёмные начала) fusion
Where John's daemon Amarisa was some kind of dog, and they fought in the war alongside the witches and befriended a panserbjorn (who was some sort of a prince). All in all John was rather ordinary.
Traffic Lights for the Colour BlindThe Sky for the Reaching
In which it's not the war John is missing, Sherlock needs to find new ways to hang on to his flatmate, and Moriarty tries to get himself a pet of his own.
They're barely compatible in bed. Scratch that, they're not at all compatible in bed. Scratch that. They're such complete opposites it's a wonder they can make it work at all.
Chameleon, WIP 14/?
Sherlock x Sentinel fusion
In a world filled with Sentinels with heightened senses, strength and endurance, and Guides, with seductive empathy, who knew that seeming "ordinary" could be John's greatest strength.
Sherlock 2009Sherlock 2009
Observations in Sentinels & Guides in Victorian London
A Victorian era AU where Sentinels and Guides are members of everyday society. Starring Sentinel! Holmes and Guide! Watson.
See Spot Run
The Dog that Belonged to Himself
Monster!Dean, Child Abuse. Gen
A Mighty Dark Night
Castiel/Dean Winchester, Human!AU, Detective!AU
Detective Dean Winchester meets Homeland Security Agent Castiel James over a corpse.
Teen Wolf TVTeen Wolf TV
Important Things
Stiles learns that even with werewolves, giant lizards and psychopathic hunters on the loose, life can still find other ways to screw with you. Case in point: everyone keeps assuming he and Derek are a couple. What the hell?
We Should Become More Adventurous
He probably should have figured this all out before, but in his defense – myths. Werewolves are the kind of horror you only find in books and movies and gay porn, so forgive him for being a little slow on the uptake.
Pack Up; Don't Stray
AU – Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinksi’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.
By Any Other Name
He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know who he is, and neither does the werewolf he's on the run with. But he's pretty sure they hunt monsters, because they seem to be really good at it.
Enemy Lines WIP 13/?
This is the story of werewolf Derek Hale and human Stiles Stilinski: two people who grew up in the same town but completely different worlds, their realities split by the war between men and wolves.
Years later when Derek returns to Beacon Hills, he does it as Alpha of a military pack on a mission to capture those responsible for the region’s resistance. With his main objective, Sheriff Stilinski, out of sight, he settles for the next best thing: his son, Stiles.
Neither of them suspects they’ll need to trust each other if they want to make it out this alive.
The Oncoming Storm
Heavy DWxTw crossover. Lots of Simm!Master, time-travel, dubious consent, non-con, abuse. Lengthly!AU.
If everything went differently, how do we know that we were supposed to meet?
Blocking your own shot, СW
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Ianto Jones/OFC, Lisa Hallett/Ianto Jones (mentions)
Where Jack is pissing about and sulking like a fourteen year old girl and Ianto is starting to think it's time to put away the weed and puts out in front of the cameras.
To The Sticking Place
Where Torchwood Three is a complete mess, garbage, half-eaten pizza, and unorganized paperwork scattered everywhere, blatantly alien machinery just lying out in the open, and is that a human hand in a jar? | Yvonne Hartman sends one of her best agents. |It took an apocalypse for Jones to act like a human being and Jack's not going to let another one of those happen, not on his watch.
A Matter of Time
Where an accident brings Ianto together with a Jack that isn't his.
Pocket Watch Boy
Where Ianto Jones is a very different sort of boy. Or Owen bloody Harper had to go die and ball things up. Also perception filter doesn't work on the undead.
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